1588-1924; bulk: 1761-1923

Guide to the Collection

Collection Summary


This collection consists of papers of Unitarian clergyman, transcendentalist, author, and social reformer James Freeman Clarke, including correspondence, sermons and lectures, journals, personal notebooks, financial papers, etc., as well as papers of his wife Anna (Huidekoper) Clarke and other members of the Clarke and Huidekoper families.

Biographical Sketch

James Freeman Clarke (1810-1888) was a Unitarian clergyman, transcendentalist, author, and social reformer. The son of Samuel (1779-1830) and Rebecca Parker (Hull) Clarke (1790-1865), step-grandson of James Freeman (1759-1835), and grandson of William Hull (1753-1825), Clarke graduated from Harvard College in 1829 and Harvard Divinity School in 1833. From 1833 to 1840, he worked as a minister in Louisville, Kentucky, where he edited the Western Messenger, a transcendental journal that contained the first published writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson.

In 1839, Clarke married Anna Huidekoper (1814-1897), the daughter of Harm Jan Huidekoper (1776-1854) and sister of Frederic (1817-1892) and Elizabeth Huidekoper (1819-1908) of Meadville, Pennsylvania. (Harm Jan and Frederic Huidekoper were co-founders of the Meadville Theological School.) The Clarkes' children were: Herman Huidekoper Clarke (1840-1849); Lilian Freeman Clarke (1842-1921), a social reformer and translator; Eliot Channing Clarke (1845-1921), a civil engineer; and Cora Huidekoper Clarke (1851-1916), a naturalist and author.

In 1841, James Freeman Clarke founded the Church of the Disciples in Boston. Except for a leave of absence between 1850-1854, he was the pastor of that church until his death in 1888. In a radical departure from traditional New England congregational churches, all seats in the church were free, and the laity were full participants in its operation. When Clarke was forced to take sick leave and the church property was sold, the congregation continued to meet until he could return.

Clarke was a non-resident professor at the Harvard Divinity School from 1867 to 1871. He had been a member of the Transcendental Club and was one of the early biographers of his close friend Margaret Fuller (1810-1850). He also owned the Brook Farm property after the collapse of the utopian community there. Clarke was a strong advocate of political and social reform throughout his life. Among the causes he supported were the abolition of slavery, women's suffrage, civil service reform, temperance, and educational reform. He was a member of both the Massachusetts Board of Education and the Board of Overseers of Harvard University. Though a theological conservative, he championed religious liberty. He served as secretary of the American Unitarian Association and was intimately involved in the operations of his own church, as well as local and national Unitarian church government, for 55 years.

Collection Description

The Perry-Clarke collection consists primarily of the papers of Unitarian clergyman, transcendentalist, author, and social reformer James Freeman Clarke. Included are personal and professional letters to Clarke; bills and receipts; notes and drafts of his sermons and lectures; and personal notebooks, writings, journals, and accounts. Among the subjects are Clarke's career as a minister in Louisville, Kentucky, and as editor of the Western Messenger there; his tenure as pastor of the Church of the Disciples in Boston from 1841 until his death in 1888; Unitarian affairs; social reform; and Harvard University.

The collection also contains Clarke family papers, including papers of his parents Samuel and Rebecca (Hull) Clarke; correspondence and financial papers of his wife Anna (Huidekoper) Clarke and their children, including many letters to Anna from her sister Elizabeth Huidekoper; volumes of Clarke and Huidekoper family members, including diaries of Lilian Freeman Clarke and Sarah Freeman Clarke and volumes related to the Church of the Disciples, the New England Hospital for Women and Children, and the Society for Helping Destitute Mothers and Infants; the 1844 journal and commonplace-book of Margaret Fuller; and a collection of autograph letters by noted literary and historical figures.

All letters and volumes are individually described in the MHS card catalog.

NOTE: This guide includes an index of significant correspondents and select subjects represented in the collection.

Acquisition Information

The Perry-Clarke collection represents a portion of the papers of James Freeman Clarke that were in the hands of his grandson, James Freeman Clarke, when Arthur S. Bolster, Jr. wrote his dissertation (Harvard, 1954) and biography, James Freeman Clarke. The collection was deposited at the Massachusetts Historical Society in November 1968 and given to the MHS in November 1979 by Alice de V. Perry (Mrs. Lewis F. Perry) of Chestnut Hill, Mass. The Margaret Fuller journal and commonplace-book was deposited in 1985 and given to the MHS in March 2013 by Alice de V. Perry.

Other Formats

Digital facsimiles of the Samuel Clarke logbook are available on Life at Sea, a digital publication of Adam Matthew Digital, Inc. This digital resource is available at subscribing libraries; speak to your local librarian to determine if your library has access. The MHS makes this resource available onsite; see a reference librarian for more information.

Detailed Description of the Collection

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I. Loose manuscripts, 1761-1923

This series consists of correspondence, financial documents, writings, and other papers of James Freeman Clarke, as well as papers of Clarke family members. Included are undated and dated manuscripts, letters from Elizabeth Huidekoper to Clarke's wife Anna (Huidekoper) Clarke, and many sermons and lectures delivered by Clarke between 1834 and 1888.

NOTE: See the index below for significant correspondents and select subjects represented in this series.

Close I. Loose manuscripts, 1761-1923

II. Volumes, 1774-1908

Arranged alphabetically by author.

This series consists of diaries, letterbooks, notebooks, scrapbooks, accounts, and other volumes, primarily of James Freeman Clarke, but also his wife Anna (Huidekoper) Clarke; his children Lilian Freeman Clarke, Eliot Channing Clarke, and Cora Huidekoper Clarke; his daughter-in-law Alice (Sohier) Clarke; his father Samuel Clarke (1779-1830); his sister Sarah Freeman Clarke; Samuel Clarke (d. 1778); and Constant Freeman. The series also contains volumes of the Church of the Disciples (Boston), a diary/commonplace book of Clarke's friend Margaret Fuller, and volumes of Huidekoper family members.

Close II. Volumes, 1774-1908

III. Miscellaneous non-manuscript material, 1844-1924

Close III. Miscellaneous non-manuscript material, 1844-1924

IV. Perry-Clarke autograph collection, 1588-1893 (photocopies)

This series consists of a small collection of autograph letters from literary and historical figures, many of them accompanied by engraved portraits and Goodspeed's sales catalog descriptions. The collection was formed after the death of James Freeman Clarke. The autographs are arranged in two subseries: 11 letters related to the Boston Female Asylum (collected in a bound letterbook) and 56 miscellaneous loose autographs.

Originals located in Special Colls.

Close IV. Perry-Clarke autograph collection, 1588-1893 (photocopies)

Select Index

Listed below are significant correspondents and select subjects represented in the collection. Undated and dated items are located in Series I.A. (Undated loose manuscripts) or I.B. (Dated loose manuscripts). Other items may be found throughout an entire series (indicated by the series number) or volume (indicated by the volume number). This index does NOT include the autograph collection (Series IV) because those items are listed individually in the series description above.

Adams, Charles Francis: 15 Oct. 1878; 15 Mar. 1883
Adams, Henry: 21 July 1874; 16 Oct. 1874; 20 Nov. 1874
Agassiz, Elizabeth C. (1822-1907): 4 undated letters
Alcott, Amos Bronson: 14 Feb. 1863
Allen, Charles Adams: 6 undated letters
American Unitarian Association: letters from Charles Briggs to James Freeman Clarke, 1835-1839; Vol. 84
Andrew, John A.: [1864]; 4 Jan. 1865; signatures throughout collection
Anthony, Susan B.: 7 Nov. 1859; 14 Feb. 1860; 15 Feb. 1860; 12 Nov. 1866; 24 July 1881
Armstrong, Samuel Chapman (1839-1893): 2 undated letters
Astronomy: correspondence, 1875-1888
Autographs: Vol. 103; Series IV
Bird, Frederick W.: letters to James Freeman Clarke, 1867-1869
Bond, George W.: letters to James Freeman Clarke, 1846-1870
Botta, Vincenzo (1818-1894): 1 undated letter
Bowen, Francis: 8 Dec. 1865
Brigham, Charles: letters to James Freeman Clarke, 1864-1866
Briggs, Charles: letters to James Freeman Clarke (concerning American Unitarian Association), 1835-1839
Brook Farm: manuscript map, [186-]; see also Clarke, James Freeman
Brooks, Phillips: 12 Mar. 1877; 28 Nov. 1877
Brown, John: letter from David N. Utter to James Freeman Clarke, 7 Jan. 1885
Butler, Mann: letters to James Freeman Clarke, 1837-1854
Cabot, Samuel, Jr.: letters to James Freeman Clarke, 1846-1853
Channing, Susan E. B.: letters to James Freeman Clarke, 1860-1863
Channing, Walter (1786-1876): 8 July 1842
Channing, William F. (1820-1901): 6 Mar. 1848 (concerning ether controversy); 7 May 1861; 24 May 1861
Chapin, H. M.: letters to James Freeman Clarke, 1846-1859
Cheney, Edna D. L. (1824-1904): 1 undated letter
Child, Francis J. (1825-1896): 2 undated letters
Church of the Disciples, Boston: Series II.B.; Series II.G.
Clarke, Alice de Vermandois Sohier (1850-1901): Series II.C.
Clarke, Anna Huidekoper: correspondence throughout collection (principal correspondent, 1889-1895); Series I.C.; Series II.D.
Clarke, Cora Huidekoper: correspondence, 1897-1910; Series II.E.
Clarke, Eliot Channing: correspondence, 1889-1910 (many bills, receipts, etc., 1895-1909); Series II.F.
Clarke, James Freeman: 15 undated cut-slip autographs; 4 undated letters, including manuscript poem and drafts of letters; May 1848 (notes on water cure at Brattleboro, Vermont); 8 Sep. 1850; 27 Dec. 1851; 20 Mar. 1852; 4 Dec. 1852; 27 Aug. 1857; 13 Apr. 1859; 21 Dec. 1859; 28 Mar. 1861 (proposals concerning Brook Farm); 7 Feb. 1873; 12 Apr. 1874; 19 Apr. 1874; 5 May 1874; 8 May 1874; 9 May 1874; 2 Jan. 1884; Series I.D.; Series II.G.
Clarke, Lilian Freeman: correspondence, 1890-1910; Series II.H.
Clarke, Samuel (d. 1778): Series II.I.
Clarke, Samuel (1779-1830): miscellaneous documents, 1779-1831; Vol. 115
Clarke, Sarah Freeman: Vol. 116
Clarke, Susan Lowell: correspondence, 1910-1923; Vol. 117
Clarke, William T.: letters to James Freeman Clarke, 1864-1866
Cooke, George W. (1848-1928): 2 undated letters
Dall, Caroline H. (1822-1912): 2 undated letters; 20 Dec. 1866; 15 Jan. 1867; 8 Nov. 1884; 30 Sep. 1889
Dall, Charles H. A.: 22 Sep. 1859
Dana, Richard Henry, Jr. (1815-1882): 9 Feb. 1870; 5 Dec. 1872
Diaz, Abby Morton (1821-1904): 4 undated letters
Dix, Dorothea L.: 19 Dec. 1881; 27 Apr. 1882
Dunbar, Charles F.: letters to James Freeman Clarke, 1876-1877
Eliot, Charles W.: 2 Jan. 1867; 9 Nov. 1869; 24 Jan. 1870; 13 Feb. 1873; 24 Sep. 1879; 23 June 1881; 14 Mar. 1882; 14 Oct. 1882; 24 May 1886; 9 Jan. 1887; 24 Jan. 1887; 16 Jan. 1888; 18 Jan. 1888
Emerson, Ralph Waldo: Series II.G.
Ether controversy: see Channing, William F. (1820-1901)
Everett, Charles Carroll (1829-1900): 2 undated letters; letters to James Freeman Clarke, 1860-1865
Follen, Charles: 26 Mar. 1860; 21 Mar. 1861
Francis, Convers: 1 May 1858; 29 June 1858; 17 Aug. 1858; 7 July 1860; 26 Feb. 1861
Freeman, Constant: Vol. 118
Fuller, Margaret (1810-1850): Series II.G.; Vol. 119
Fuller, Margaret (mother of Margaret Fuller, the author): 26 May 1854
Hale, Edward E.: 7 Nov. 1888; 8 July 1902
Harvard University, Board of Overseers: letters to James Freeman Clarke, 1864-1872
Harvard University, Divinity School: Vol. 44; see also Stearns, Oliver (1807-1885)
Harvard University, Examinations for Women: correspondence, 1876-1877; Vol. 120
Hawthorne, Rose: see Lathrop, Mother Mary Alphonsa (1851-1926)
Hawthorne, Sophia: 1 undated letter; see also Hawthorne family
Hawthorne, Una: [May 1864] (2 letters, one with attached note from Elizabeth Palmer Peabody)
Hawthorne family: 6 June 1864; 1 Oct. 1866; 16 June 1867; 30 June 1867; 7 Aug. 1868
Hemenway, Mary (1820-1894): 1 undated letter
Higginson, Waldo: letters to James Freeman Clarke, 1873-1875
Hill, Thomas: letters to James Freeman Clarke, 1867-1888
Home for Aged Colored Women: Vol. 21
Hooper, E. W.: letters to James Freeman Clarke, 1860-1863 (concerning activities in South Carolina during the Civil War)
Hopkins, Mark (1802-1887): 21 Nov. 1864
Houghton Mifflin Company: correspondence (concerning the writings of James Freeman Clarke), 1889-1891
Howe, Julia Ward: 1 undated letter
Howe, Samuel Gridley: 17 Nov. 1858
Howells, William D.: 15 July 1874
Howitt, Mary: letters to James Freeman Clarke, 1878-1888
Huidekoper, Anne Willem: Vol. 121
Huidekoper, Elizabeth: Series I.C.
Huidekoper, Harm Jan: Vol. 122
Jackson, Charles T.: 3 May 1848
James, William: 30 Sep. 1887
Jay, John (1817-1894): letters to James Freeman Clarke, 1882-1883
Lathrop, Mother Mary Alphonsa (1851-1926): 2 undated letters; see also Hawthorne family
Lawrence, Kansas: letters to James Freeman Clarke, 1856; 1859-1860
Lowell, James Russell: 26 Dec. 1865
Lyman, Theodore, Jr.: 18 Apr. 1880
Mayo, Amory Dwight: letters to James Freeman Clarke, 1860-1863
Mitchell, Maria (1818-1889): 1 undated letter
New England Hospital for Women and Children: Series II.D.
Norton, Charles Eliot: 16 Oct. 1862; 6 Nov. 1862; 22 Feb. 1867; 12 Dec. 1873; 27 May 1874; 3 July 1877; 13 July 1877; 2 Dec. 1878; 15 Oct. 1879
Nute, Ephraim: letters to James Freeman Clarke, 1854-1859
Osgood, Samuel: letters to James Freeman Clarke, 1837-1860
Ossoli, Sarah Margaret Fuller (1810-1850): see Fuller, Margaret
Palfrey, John G.: 3 undated letters; 14 Jan. 1834; 18 Mar. 1835; 1 Apr. 1837; 3 July 1837; 11 May 1838; 20 Feb. 1847; 25 Aug. 1858; 11 Sep. 1858; 10 Nov. 1868; 23 Nov. 1874
Parkman, Francis: 1 undated letter
Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer: undated note attached to undated letter from Una Hawthorne to James Freeman Clarke; Apr. 1841; Mar. 1842; Oct. 1842 (receipts from West Street Bookstore)
Peabody, Ephraim: [Feb. 1835]
Photographs: Series II; Series III; see also MHS Photo Archives and Photo. 1.381L
Pierce, Edward L.: letters to James Freeman Clarke, 1860-1863
Pintle, Jane Ann: letters to James Freeman Clarke, 1846-1870
Prison reform: correspondence of James Freeman Clarke, 1870-1872
Quincy, Josiah (1802-1882): 22 Nov. 1878; 5 Dec. 1878
Quincy, Josiah (1859-1919): 10 Nov. 1882; 14 Jan. 1884
Redpath, James (1833-1891): 22 Aug. 1887
Rice, A. Thorndike: letters to James Freeman Clarke, 1876-1877
Richards, Laura Howe (1850-1943): 1 undated poem
Ripley, George: 1 undated letter; 16 Jan. 1837; 15 Dec. 1841; 5 Aug. 1842 (from Brook Farm); 22 Sep. 1842; 27 Apr. 1859; 24 Aug. 1864; 17 July 1878
Robbins, Chandler: 8 Oct. 1833
Rogers, Henry B.: letters, 1860-1880
Schleiermacher, Friedrich F. D. (1768-1834): Vol. 59
Sea Islands, South Carolina: correspondence (concerning aid to freedmen), Mar.-Apr. 1862
Sewall, Samuel E.: 4 undated letters; 18 Sep. 1882
Sigourney family: Vol. 123
Society for Helping Destitute Mothers and Infants: Series II.H.
Sohier, Alice de Vermandois (1850-1901): see Clarke, Alice de Vermandois Sohier (1850-1901)
Stearns, Oliver (1807-1885): 20 Jan. 1864 (20 pp., concerning reform of Harvard Divinity School); 30 Jan. 1865
Tuttle, H. B.: letters to James Freeman Clarke, 1854-1859
Underwood, M. G.: letters to James Freeman Clarke, 1870-1872
Utter, David N.: 7 Jan. 1885 (concerning John Brown in Kansas)
Walker, James (1794-1874): letters to Dr. James Walker, 1864-1869
Ware, John F. W. (1818-1881): 6 undated letters; letters to James Freeman Clarke, 1867-1869
Weeden, William B. (1834-1912): 2 undated letters; letters to James Freeman Clarke, 1867-1888
Wells, Kate Gannett (1838-1911): 3 undated letters
Western Messenger: bills, receipts, letters, 1837-1845; Vol. 62
White, Andrew D. (1832-1918): 22 Nov. 1882; 29 Nov. 1882
Wines, Enoch C.: letters to James Freeman Clarke, 1870-1875
Winsor, Justin: 28 Oct. 1874; 9 Dec. 1874; 12 Apr. 1877; 28 Apr. 1877; 8 July 1879; 27 Aug. 1881; 21 Jan. 1887
Winthrop, Robert C.: 14 Jan. 1880; 9 Feb. 1882; 12 June 1884
Zachos, John C.: letters to James Freeman Clarke, 1860-1872

Preferred Citation

Perry-Clarke collection, Massachusetts Historical Society.

Access Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.


Butler, Mann, 1784-1852.
Clarke family.
Clarke, Alice de Vermandois Sohier, 1850-1901.
Clarke, Anna Huidekoper, 1814-1897.
Clarke, Cora Huidekoper, 1851-1916.
Clarke, Eliot C. (Eliot Channing), 1845-1921.
Clarke, Lilian Freeman, 1842-1921.
Clarke, Rebecca Parker Hull, 1790-1865.
Clarke, Samuel, -1778.
Clarke, Samuel, 1779-1830.
Clarke, Sarah Freeman, 1808-1896.
Eliot, Charles William, 1834-1926.
Everett, Charles Carroll, 1829-1900.
Freeman, Constant.
Fuller, Margaret, 1810-1850.
Huidekoper family.
Huidekoper, Anne Willem, 1796-1841.
Huidekoper, Elizabeth, 1819-1908.
Huidekoper, Harm Jan, 1776-1854.
Norton, Charles Eliot, 1827-1908.
Palfrey, John Gorham, 1796-1881.
Walker, James, 1794-1874.
Ware, John F. W. (John Fothergill Waterhouse), 1818-1881.
Weedon, William B., 1834-1912.
Zachos, J. C. (John Celivergos), 1820-1898.


American Unitarian Association.
Boston Female Asylum.
Brook Farm Phalanx (West Roxbury, Boston, Mass.).
Church of the Disciples (Boston, Mass.).
Harvard Divinity School.
Harvard University. Board of Overseers.
New England Hospital for Women and Children.
Society for Helping Destitute Mothers and Infants (Boston, Mass.).
Western messenger (Louisville, Ky.).


Boston (Mass.)--Church history.
Family history--1750-1799.
Family history--1800-1849.
Family history--1850-1899.
Family history--1900-1949.
Louisville (Ky.)--Church history.
Social reformers--Massachusetts--Boston.
Transcendentalism (New England).
Unitarian churches--Clergy.
Unitarian churches--Massachusetts--Boston.

Materials Removed from the Collection


Photographs from this collection have been removed to the MHS Photo Archives. A daguerreotype of an unidentified man has been removed and cataloged separately (Photo. 1.381L).

Printed Material

1. Allen, R. L. Optician and Manufacturer of Astronomical Telescopes... (broadside)

2. Allen, R. L. Prices of Ordinary Styles and Sizes... (broadside)

3. American Ancestry. Form for insertion of lineage in American Ancestry.

4. American Unitarian Association. The Proposed New Unitarian Building. Boston, Sep. 1883. (sheet)

5. American Unitarian Association Ladies' Commission on Sunday School Books. Annual list of books for Sunday School libraries. Boston, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901.

6. American Unitarian Association Ladies' Commission on Sunday School Books. Books approved by the Ladies' Commission, reading for Sunday School and other libraries, since 6 Dec. 1897. (broadside)

7. American Unitarian Association Ladies' Commission on Sunday School Books. By-laws, revised 1893. (broadsheet)

8. American Unitarian Association Ladies' Commission on Sunday School Books. Catalogue of Books for Sunday-School Libraries; 1866-1885, Boston, 1886; 1885-1889, Boston, 1889; 1890-1894, Boston, 1894.

9. American Unitarian Association Ladies' Commission on Sunday School Books. Reader's Report on a Rejected Book. (broadside)

10. Boston. Assessing Dept. "This statement is not open to public inspection. This schedule must be presented to the Assessors at their office, City Hall..." (sheet)

11. Boston. Church of the Disciples. Order of Services at the Dedication of the House of Worship... (sheet)

12. Boston. Church of the Disciples. Semi-Centennial Celebration. 1841, 1891. (broadside)

13. Boston. Church of the Disciples. Sunday School Picnic... (broadside)

14. Boston. Church of the Disciples. Ticket to the Course. Admit the Bearer to Four Shakespeare Readings in the Hall Below the Church of the Disciples... (broadside)

15. Boston. Dept. of Parks. Schedule of assessments made by the Board of Park Commissioners upon the estates benefited by the locating and laying out of a public park... 30 Apr. 1885.

16. Boston. Old South Church. Old South Fair. Fair for the preservation of the Old South Church, in account with Chas. G. Wood, Treasurer... Boston, 1 May 1878.

17. Boston. Old South Church. Old South Fair. Table receipts. 1 May 1878. (broadside)

18. Boston Society for the Care of Girls. Boston Female Asylum. An account of the... Boston, 1889.

19. Boston Society for the Care of Girls. Boston Female Asylum. Exercises at the dedication of the house in Lexington... (broadside)

20. Boston Society for the Care of Girls. Boston Female Asylum. Received payment. (broadside)

21. Boston Society of Natural History. Candidates for office, 1905-1906. (broadside)

22. Boston Society of Natural History. Officers for 1894-1895. (broadside)

23. Boston, Mass. South End Industrial School. The management of this School desire to have the pupils... (broadside)

24. Boston. Stock Exchange. Official Report. First Board. 20 July 1883.

25. Boston. Stock Exchange. Prices and Sales. Second Board. 20 July 1883.

26. Boston. Superintendent of Public Schools. Examination for Certificates of Qualification. Directions to candidates. Boston, Apr. 1876. (broadside)

27. Boston. Superintendent of Public Schools. Examination of Candidates for First-Grade Certificates of Qualification. Boston, 25 July 1876. (sheet)

28. Boston. Superintendent of Public Schools. Examination for Third-Grade Certificates of Qualification. Boston, 25 July 1876. (sheet)

29. Boston. Superintendent of Public Schools. Examination for First-Grade and Third-Grade Certificates. Order and time of examination... Boston, 4-6 Sep. 1876. (broadside)

30. Boston. Superintendent of Public Schools. Examination for First-Grade and Third-Grade Certificates. Boston, Sep. 1876; Principles of education and methods of teaching as applicable to high schools (req.); Principles of education, school organization and modern theories and methods of teaching, with Illustrations of the best methods of teaching (elec.). (sheet)

31. Boston. Superintendent of Public Schools. Examination for First-Grade and Third-Grade Certificates, 1876; Botany, Zoology, Geology (elec.) (sheet); Botany, Zoology, Geology (req.) (sheet); Chemistry, Mineralogy and Geology (elec.) (sheet); English language (elec.) (sheet); English language (req.) (sheet); Essay (req.) (broadside); Greek, Latin, French (req.) (first grade sheet); Geography (req.) (broadside); Human Anatomy and Physiology with School Hygiene (req.) (broadside); Ancient History (req.) (first grade sheet); Ancient History (elec.) (sheet); Medieval and Modern History (req.) (third grade sheet); Latin (elec.) (first grade sheet); Latin (req.) (third grade sheet); Mathematics (elec.) (sheet); Geometry (req.) (broadside); Plane Trigonometry (req.) (first grade broadside); Arithmetic and Algebra (req.) (sheet); Physics and Astronomy (elec.) (sheet); Physics and Chemistry (elec.) (sheet); Physics and Chemistry and Astronomy (req.) (sheet); Psychology (req.). (broadside)

32. Boston. Superintendent of Public Schools. Examination of Candidates for the Second-Grade Certificate of Qualification. Boston, 11 Apr. 1876. (broadside)

33. Boston. Superintendent of Public Schools. Examination for Certificates of Qualification. Directions to candidates. Boston, Apr. 1876. (broadside)

34. Boston. Superintendent of Public Schools. Examination for Second-Grade Certificates. Boston, Apr. 1876; English language (sheet); Latin (broadside); Greek, French and German (sheet); Arithmetic (broadside); Algebra (broadside); Plain and Solid Geometry (broadside); General History (sheet); Geography (broadside); Physiology (broadside); Botany, Zoology (sheet); Physics, Chemistry and Astronomy (broadside); Vocal Music (broadside); Psychology (broadside); History and principles of education and methods of teaching the studies of grammar schools. (broadside)

35. Boston. Superintendent of Public Schools. Examination for Fourth-Grade Certificates of Qualification. Boston, 11 Apr. 1876. (broadside)

36. Boston. Superintendent of Public Schools. Examination of Qualification. Directions to candidates. Boston, Apr. 1876. (broadside)

37. Boston. Superintendent of Public Schools. Examination of Candidates for Fifth-Grade Certificates of Qualification. Boston, 11 Apr. 1876.

38. Boston. Superintendent of Public Schools. Examination for Fourth-Grade and Fifth-Grade Certificates; English language (sheet); Arithmetic, Fourth-Grade (broadside); Arithmetic, Fifth-Grade (broadside); Algebra (broadside); Plane and Solid Geometry (broadside); General History (sheet); Geography (broadside); Physiology and School Hygiene (broadside); Botany and Zoology and Geology, Fourth-Grade (sheet); Natural History, Fifth-Grade (broadside); Physics and Aeronomy (broadside); Music (broadside); Principles of education, and methods of teaching, as applicable to grammar schools, Fourth-Grade (broadside); Principles of education, and methods of teaching, Fifth-Grade. (broadside)

39. Boston. Superintendent of Public Schools. Examination of Candidates for Fifth-Grade Certificates of Qualification. Boston, 15 Feb. 1877.

40. Boston. Water Board. Davis, Wm. F., Water Registrar. Office of the Water Registrar, City Hall. Extract from the ordinance regulating the payment of fractional supplies of water. (broadside)

41. Boylston Insurance Co. of Boston. Statement..., 1 Jan. 1887. (broadside)

42. Brown, Alice. Buckets in the Sea. Boston (Mass. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary).

43. Cambridge University. Girton College. The favor of your attention is asked to some considerations... Sep. 1874. (sheet)

44. Cambridge University. Girton College. Jan. 1875.

45. Clarke, James Freeman, D.D. Address delivered at the 17th Annual Exhibition of the Norfolk Agricultural Society, at Dedham...29 Sep. 1865. Boston, 1866.

46. Clarke, James Freeman. Address of James Freeman Clarke, at Tremont Temple, 1 Oct. 1884.

47. Clarke, James Freeman. How to Study the Stars. New York, 1873.

48. Clarke, James Freeman, D.D. James Freeman, D.D., 1782-1835. Boston, 14 Sep. 1850.

49. Clarke, James Freeman, D.D. Memorial and Biographical Sketches; Common Sense in Religion; Ten Great Religions. (sheet)

50. Clarke, James Freeman. Peter at Antioch; or the Vatican vs. Bismarck and Gladstone. A sermon to the Church of the Disciples, Boston, 20 Dec. 1874. Boston, 1875.

51. Clarke, James Freeman. Selections from sermons preached to the Church of the Disciples. (broadside)

52. Collyer, Richard. Letter from Richard Collyer to the editors of the Christian Register. (sheet)

53. Columbus, Ohio. Douglass House, Long Street between Third and High, Columbus, Ohio... (broadside)

54. Cunard Steamship Co., limited. Cunard Line. European Agencies...American Agencies... Jan. 1881. (broadsheet)

55. Cunard Steamship Co., limited. Cunard Line. 1882 proposed sailing between Liverpool, Boston, and New York. (sheet)

56. Curtis, George Ticknor. Observations on the Rev. Dr. Gannet's sermon entitled "Relation of the North to Slavery." Boston, 1854. Republished from the editorial columns of the Boston Courier of 28 June, 30 June, and 6 July 1854.

57. Dixwell, George Basil. Review of Progress and Poverty. Cambridge, 1882.

58. Facts. Advertise and Subscribe! People will read Facts... (broadside)

59. Flonzaley Quartet. Mr. Luce announces for Next Season Three Subscription Concerts... (sheet)

60. Foote, Henry Wilder. King's Chapel and the Evacuation of Boston. Boston, 1876.

61. Frothingham, Octavius Brooks. Colonization. Anti-Slavery Tracts. No. 3.

62. Harvard University Examinations. Examinations for Women. Application for Examination. (sheet)

63. Harvard University Examinations. English Literature. (sheet)

64. Harvard University Examinations. Examinations for Women in 1874. Cambridge, 1873.

65. Harvard University Examinations. Examinations for Women, 1874; Botany, Plane Geometry, Virgil, English, English Literature, German, History of Continental Europe, Latin Grammar and Composition, Latin Grammar and Composition, French Translation Course I, French Translation Course II, French Grammar and History Courses I and II, Greek Grammar, Greek Goodwin's Reader, Physical Geography, History, Elementary Physics, Arithmetic, Algebra.

66. Harvard University Examinations. Examinations for Women, 1875; Algebra, Arithmetic, English Literature, French Translation Course I, French Translation Course II, French Grammar and History Courses I and II, German, German, History, Latin, Physical Geography, Physics, Plane Geometry.

67. Harvard University Examinations. Examinations for Women, 1876; Algebra, Arithmetic, Botany, German, German, English Literature, History, Latin, Physical Geography, Physics, Plane Geometry.

68. Harvard University Examinations. Papers used at the Examinations for Women in 1874, 1875, 1876. Cambridge, 1876.

69. Harvard University. Examinations. Examinations for Women, 1877. Fourth annual examination, 30 May 1877... Algebra, Arithmetic, Botany, English Composition, English Literature, French Translation Course I, French Translation Course II, French Grammar and History Courses I and II, German Grammar and Composition, German Translation, History, Latin, Latin Translation, Physical Geography, Elementary Physics, Plane Geometry.

70. Harvard University. Examinations. Examinations for Women, 1878. Cambridge, Mass., 1877.

71. Harvard University. Examinations. Papers used at the Examinations for Women held at Cambridge, New York, Philadelphia and Cincinnati, 29 May to 6 June 1878. Cambridge, Mass., 1878.

72. Harvard University. Examinations. Examinations for Women, 1879. Cambridge, Mass., 1878.

73. Harvard University. Examinations. Examinations for Women. Cincinnati Local Committee. Feb. 1877.

74. Harvard University. Examinations. Examinations for Women, 1877. New York Local Committee.

75. Harvard University. Examinations. Papers used at the Admission Examinations held at Cambridge, Exeter, New York, Philadelphia, Cincinnati, Chicago and San Francisco, 30 June, 1 & 2 July 1881. Cambridge, Mass., 1881.

76. Harvard University. Examinations. Examinations for Women, 1881; English History, Physical Geography, Latin I and Latin II.

77. Harvardiana. September, Vol. IV-No. I. Cambridge, 1873.

78. Huidekoper, Henry Shippen. Personal notes and reminiscences of Lincoln. Philadelphia, 1896.

79. Keith, B. F. Palace Theatre, Cleveland. B. F. Keith's Theatre Program. Week of 16 Apr. 1923.

80. Librairie Guyon. Edition Imprimerie (bookmark). (broadsheet)

81. The London Association of Schoolmistresses. Apr. 1874.

82. Lowell, John. Thoughts upon the conduct of our administration, in relation both to Great Britain and France... Boston, 1808.

83. Lowell, John. The Impartial Inquirer; being a candid examination of the conduct of the President of the United States... by a citizen of Massachusetts. 1811.

84. Lowell, Percival. Oliver Wendell Holmes. 1895.

85. Mademoiselle de la Motte's Music School. Established in Boston, 1854... (broadside)

86. Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston. Collections, 5th series, Vol. II. Belknap Papers, Part II.

87. Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Boston, Feb. 1883. (broadside)

88. Men and Women of Ohio! Please read and circulate the following opinions in regard to Woman Suffrage... (sheet)

89. National Society of the Colonial Dames of America. Massachusetts. 1923-1924, Officers and Board of Managers. (sheet)

90. [New Orleans World's Industrial and Cotton Exposition, 1884-85]. To the General Committee of Manufacturers, Merchants and Business Men of Boston... Boston, 17 Oct. 1881. (broadside)

91. Newport, R.I. Channing Year. 1780-1880. Special course of sermons. (broadside)

92. Niedermann, Max. Historische Lautlehre des Lateinischen. Heidelberg, 1911.

93. Our Best Words. Shelbyville, Illinois, 13 Dec. 1884. Dear friends in the spirit of "Christmas Present," I want to call your attention to the question: Shall our Best Words continue for 1885... (broadside)

94. Our Best Words. Shelbyville, Illinois. For 1885. A monthly paper for church, sunday-school and home... (broadside)

95. Porter, Maria. These two men walked together in the house of God as friends. A facsimile of a few words spoken by Phillips Brooks at the time of the death of James Freeman Clarke together with portraits. Boston, 1893.

96. Realty Company. To the Stockholders. The annual meeting... Boston, 15 Sep. 1891. (broadside)

97. Roxbury, Mass. First Church. First Religious Society in Roxbury. Act of incorporation... Boston Highlands, 1880.

98. Ryle, John Charles, Bishop of Liverpool. Christ is willing. No. 11. American Tract Society, Boston. (broadside)

99. Services in memory of Rev. William E. Channing, D.D. at the Arlington-Street Church, Boston, 6 Oct. 1867.

100. Sir! Three or four years previous to January 27th 1847, resided in Marshall a colored family... Marshall, Calhoun County, Michigan, 1 Jan. 1849. (sheet)

101. Statements of Societies, References, Employers, Agent, Visitor and others. Confidential. (form)

102. Thoughts selected from the writings of Rev. William E. Channing, D.D. Boston, 1846.

103. Treat, John H. and E. P. Treat. The Treats in the United States are lineal descendants of Richard and Matthias... Frankfort, Maine, 1 Oct. 1884. (sheet)

104. Unitarian Club, Boston. Meadville Theological School at the Boston Unitarian Club. At the meeting of the Unitarian Club of Boston, on Wednesday evening..., 12 Nov. 1890. (sheet)

105. Unitarian Sunday School Society. Mass Meeting of Sunday-School Children. 30 May 1867. (broadside)

106. United States Nautical Almanac Office. Total Eclipse of the Sun, 7 Aug. 1869. Washington, 1869.

107. Watkins Glen. Head of Seneca Lake, New York. (sheet)

108. Woman's Education Association, Boston. Fiftieth Annual Report for the Year Ending 18 Jan. 1922.

109. Woman's Education Association, Boston. Harvard Examinations for Women, 1875. (sheet)

110. Woman's Education Association, Boston. Harvard Examinations for Women, 1876. (sheet)

111. Woman's Education Association, Boston. Harvard Examinations for Women, 1877. (sheet)

112. Woman's Education Association, Boston. Harvard Examinations for Women, 1878. (sheet)

113. Woman's Education Association, Boston. Harvard Examinations for Women, 1879. (sheet)

114. Woman's Education Association. Harvard University Summer Instruction in Chemistry, Botany and Geology, for 1875, intended for teachers and other adults. (broadsheet)

115. Yr Ymofynydd. Mehefin, 1876.

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